Employer Branding Reimagined

Employer Branding Strategies

Employer branding is all about shaping the perception of your company as a great place to work, both internally and externally. This perception impacts recruitment, retention, and even your business performance.

Here are some Employer Branding Strategies we do:

Let’s Define Your Unique Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Your EVP is the core of your employer brand. It’s a combination of what you offer as an employer and what differentiates you in the marketplace.

We are skilled at crafting a compelling EVP. We know what it takes to attract talent and how to leverage your EVP for anyone and everyone that engages with your company. 

Employee Advocacy and Storytelling

We use your people to tell their stories using video, images, and copy that can be used across websites, social media, and other channels to communicate your unique company culture and EVP. 

Agility hire Employee Advocacy and Storytelling

Data-Driven Approach

We utilize analytics and data to understand the impact of employer branding efforts and make informed decisions to improve strategies and tactics.

Engaging Candidate Experience

We map and design for every step of the recruitment process, from job applications to interviews that positively reflect the company’s culture and employer brand.

Diversity and Inclusion

Emphasizing and demonstrating your commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and ensuring that this commitment is clearly reflected in the employer brand.

Recruitment Marketing Services

Social Media

Running social media campaigns for paid, non-paid and organic. 


Funnel exploration, ad campaign and social media performance.

Email Marketing

Effective campaigns that increase leads, grow and nurture talent pools.


From Google Tag Manager to keywords, indexing, and page ranking.

Why Employer Branding

Real-time Tracking and Reporting

At Agility Hire, we measure everything and this includes career site performance. We use Google Analytics (GA4) to understand user-behaviour and what campaigns are getting the most engagement. We also provide custom dashboards and reporting using Data Studio and Power BI.

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